SigmaNEST is
industrial grade nesting and optimization software that provides the
ability to nest any quantity of any number of designs onto any
material size and across multiple sheets of material effortlessly.
Simply set your material size, select all of the designs you wanted
nested on the material, set the quantity of each design your nesting
and watch SigmaNEST got through a number of different nesting
layouts. SigmaNEST will stop at the most efficient layout that
provides you with the least amount of wasted material, and it does
all of this in a matter of seconds to save you both time and money.
Automatic Lead In & Lead Out
in and lead out lines allow you to pierce inside the waste material
and "lead in" to the part and "lead out" of the part to assist in the
best possible edge finish at the starting point of every cut.
SigmaNEST adds these lines automatically to all the profiles
contained within your nest to save you time. A number of lead in/out
options are available allowing you select the best lead for the shape
you are cutting. SigmaNEST also gives you the ability to set default
lead lines to be used with every nest if you find a lead line that
you prefer making it even faster and easier.
Auto Cut Sequencing & Direction
Is important to
ensure that the inner profiles of each part are cut before the outer
profile, and that all the profiles in the nest are cut in a logical
order to reduce the time to complete the job. SigmaNEST automatically
determines this for you and provides you with options for sequencing
that can help to spread the heat out over the plate evenly while
still reducing overall processing time. SigmaNEST will also
determines whether each profile is an inner or outer profile and sets
the appropriate cut direction for each. Proper cutting direction will
result in the squarest possible cut edge and improve overall cut
quality. The dashed white line in the image on the right represents
the cut path sequence SigmaNEST has selected and this is all done
automatically making it fast and easy to achieve excellent results.
Automatic Kerf Compensation
width of the cut from the plasma arc is called the kerf width, and in
order for your parts to be cut to the proper size you need to
compensate for the width of the kerf. Essentially you will make your
outer profiles a little larger, and your inner profiles a little
smaller in order to do this. The width of the kerf will be different
depending on the plasma nozzle you are using and SigmaNEST makes it
easy to compensate for this, even on nests containing thousands of
parts to be cut. The kerf width is simply entered into SigmaNEST
before you finalize your nest and all the adjustments will be made
automatically in seconds. In the image to the right you will see the
green line indicating the original cut path, and the red line
indicating the new kerf compensated cut path. When the part is cut on
the red line the part will be cut to the proper size.